Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Life With A Single Parent - 854 Words

Growing up with a single parent wasn’t very different then growing up with two. My mom did the best she could. When I was in third (3) grade, she went back to school full time while working full time, and juggling the responsibility of having three (3) daughters. Having a single parent; we seemed to move around a lot. My mother always made the best in everything. Growing up with two sisters we didn’t always have brand new items or updated systems. We shopped at the thrift stores or the DMV. With my mom working a full time job and going to school at night we would have babysitters during the week. Sometimes, I remember if I was good she would take me to class with her. My father is a completely different story. He wasn’t horrible, but he also wasn’t the greatest. He was at least somewhat in my life. My parents never married; which made it a little more difficult. They would say; too many differences. When I was a baby he was always there. It seemed as I got older he was around less and less. I remember when I was 7; he told me he would pick me up for the night. After dance class I waited at my grandmas, outside, for 5 hours. It happened multiple times; where he would promise something and then not following through with it. I would never tell him how I felt; I would always forgive him. That’s what we’re told; forgive and forget, right? I used to hide in my closet behind my clothes and cry. Every time. I just felt like he didn’t love me. That’s when I officially turned to God.Show MoreRelatedMy Life After A Single Parent Home960 Words   |  4 Pages My Life I grow up in a small town in Lindsay California. I was born in the Lindsay Hospital in 1988. I had many challenges, growing up in a single parent home, but I make me the person I am today. I don’t think my parent action had anything to do with my decisions or what way of life I chose. 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