Saturday, December 28, 2019

Setting a Multi-Line Caption for a TLabel in Delphi

A TLabel Delphi component has a WordWrap property you can set to true in order for the text in the Caption property appear wrapped (multi-lined) when it is too long for the width of the label. Whats more, at run-time, you can use the next assignment to specify multiple lines of text for a Label: Label1.Caption : First line #13#10 SecondLine; However, you *cannot* specify multi-line text for a TLabel at design-time, using Object Inspector. Instructions One trick to add more lines of text for a Caption property of a TLabel, at design time, is to edit the Forms .DFM file directly. Heres how: Drop a TLabel on a FormRight click the Form to activate the popup menuSelect View As TextLocate the object Label1:TLabel sectionChange the line Caption Label1 to:Caption Label1 #13#10 Second lineRight click the code to activate the popup, againSelect View As FormJob done! TLabel with multiple lines of text, at design-time!

Friday, December 20, 2019

Cis 500 Week 6 Case Study 1 Cyber Security - 669 Words

CIS 500 WEEK 6 CASE STUDY 1 CYBER SECURITY To purchase this visit here: Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 500 WEEK 6 CASE STUDY 1 CYBER SECURITY CIS 500 Week 6 Case Study 1 - Cyber Security in Business Organizations - Strayer University 2015 Version NEW Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 1. Determine the fundamental challenges that organizations face in general in regard to protecting organizational assets and information. 2. Specify the red flag(s) that Target overlooked or ignored before the retail attack and give your opinion as to why Target overlooked or ignored the red flag(s). 3. Determine the main actions that†¦show more content†¦CIS 500 WEEK 6 CASE STUDY 1 CYBER SECURITY To purchase this visit here: Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 500 WEEK 6 CASE STUDY 1 CYBER SECURITY CIS 500 Week 6 Case Study 1 - Cyber Security in Business Organizations - Strayer University 2015 Version NEW Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 1. Determine the fundamental challenges that organizations face in general in regard to protecting organizational assets and information. 2. Specify the red flag(s) that Target overlooked or ignored before the retail attack and give your opinion as to why Target overlooked or ignored the red flag(s). 3. Determine the main actions that Target took after the breach occurred and evaluate the efficiency of such actions. More Details hidden... Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of CIS 500 Week 6 Case Study 1 Cyber Security in order to ace their studies. CIS 500 WEEK 6 CASE STUDY 1 CYBER SECURITY To purchase this visit here: Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 500 WEEK 6 CASE STUDY 1 CYBER SECURITY CIS 500 Week 6 Case Study 1 - Cyber Security in Business Organizations - Strayer University 2015 Version NEW Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 1. Determine the fundamentalShow MoreRelated_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 Pages94002-3098 USA For more information about our products, contact us at: Thomson Learning Academic Resource Center 1-800-423-0563 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit a request online at Any additional questions about permissions can be submitted by e-mail to Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 10 09 08 07 ExamView  ® and ExamView Pro  ® are registered trademarks of FSCreations, Inc. Windows is a registeredRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pagesdistance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on recycled, acid-free paper containing 10% postconsumer waste. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 QDB/QDB 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 978-0-07-811257-7 MHID 0-07-811257-5 Vice President Editor-in-Chief: Brent Gordon Vice President, EDP/Central Publishing Services: Kimberly Meriwether-David Editorial Director: Paul Ducham Managing Developmental Editor:Read MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pages Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting This page intentionally left blank Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting Edited by ALNOOR BHIMANI 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6dp Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Employee Health And Well Being at workplace

Question: Discuss about the Employee Health And Well Being at workplace. Answer: Introduction: Work is vital for all of us to survive at the various levels of life. Job satisfaction increases the standard of living besides providing meaningful focus to the life of the people (Catwright and Cooper 2014). However, work-related problems could affect the employees health physically, mentally and emotionally. The report highlights on the major issues that is responsible for affecting the employees mental health. This is caused due to workplace injury, stress, violence, job dissatisfaction, discrimination and bullying, accidental death and retirement. Retrenchment or job loss, which was unexpected also affect the health of the employees causing hardship and distress (VanGordon et al. 2014). Moreover, the report elaborates the relationship between workplace and health productivity. It is a virtuous circle, as improved working condition will lead to a better and healthy working environment that will further lead to improve in productivity of the organisation (Ganster and Rosen 2013). Figure I: The virtuous circle of productivity and health in the workplace Source: (Ganster and Rosen 2013) Major health problem in workplace: In Australia, the employees take more the average allowed sick leave, which affects the productivity of the organisation (Friedman and Kern 2014). The reason includes commonplace illnesses like flu and colds to the chronic musculoskeletal problems. The main reason for long-term absence can also be the most widespread mental health conditions of thee employees. The major health problem that an employee faces on a daily basis is: Musculoskeletal problems This is related to the problems caused by any damage, injury or disorder of the tissues or joints that is generally caused or exacerbated due to the workplace tasks (Cooper and Marshall 2013). Most of the problem related to musculoskeletal is osteoarthritis, lower and upper limbs disorder, carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injuries. This can be caused due to inadequate sleep as the blue light emitted from the laptops, iPods and iPhones can disrupt the sleeping tendency as the present melatonin level get affected (Neuhaus et al. 2014). Sitting too much or for a longer period of time besides having negative impact on the brain and reducing energy also lowers the efficiency of an individual to burn fat. Overcoming the problem: The task assigned and the provided workstation should be suitable and proper for each worker. Regular break should be introduced to lower the risk or chance of repetitive injury. The employee should be encouraged to go for a short walk during lunchtime. Changing the environment can boost the employee productivity rate (Karanika-Murray and Weyman 2013). If the employees job requires lifting heavy items, then it should be ensured that the employee undergoes proper and adequate training. Approach to tackle the issue: The employees should be encourage to digitally detox that is after 8 pm hey should not be allowed to work through digital appliance as it may affect the health and further causes eye problems. Moreover, the employee should be allowed flexibility in their work schedules so that they can allot some time for exercise during the day. Mental Health Problems Mental health related problem is a major issue for the employees leaving the organisation. Illness related to mental stress has estimated to account for majority of the entire sick leave absence. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), one in every four workers has mental health issues like anxiety, depression and very high level of stress. A supportive working environment should be created for the employees. As majority of the employees with mental problems wants to work but they are insecure or have low confidence level. In the current scenario, the employees are having a sedentary lifestyle, which causes mental stress (Riekert, Ockene and Pbert 2013). Working throughout day and night, making huge money, and taking no care for their body and health. Due to mental stress of finishing, the target assigned the employees face further problems like weight gain, obesity, eye problems and many more. Overcoming the problem: The employees stress can be managed by improving resiliency, which is possible if the employees unique strength is valued and the work is providing a meaningful contribution to the society (Pohling et al. 2016). If an employee is sick due to mental health issue, than it is ensured they are regularly communicated about their performance. Approach to tackle the issue: The employee facing mental stress should be allowed a flexible system of work to recognise their needs and challenges within the organisation. The stressed employees should be allowed proper recovery time to recharge their energy level. Proper feedback should be given to the employees. Furthermore, if an employee is not mentally healthy then they should be treated with empathy, as they are mentally stressed and surviving one day at a time. Identified Issue 3-Regular Illness: The health of the organisation is dependent on the health of its worker. Flu and cold viruses can rapidly spread in a workplace. The overall productivity of the firm is affected if the employee is encouraged to take leave due to everyday illness (Zander et al. 2015). Food poisoning is also major factor for the employees illness due to the present germs and toxins in the pantry and communal fridge of the organisation. Overcoming the problem: Good hygiene system should be encouraged in the organisation, which includes boxes of tissues, hand sanitisers and tolerant sickness policy. Employees should be encouraged to have vegetable enriched diet to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers (Friedman and Kern, 2014). Approaches to tackle the issue: The employees can be offered flu vaccines so that they can be immunised against the flu, which is the best insurance provided against the spreading of virus. The employees should be provided with facilities like preparing healthy meals like smoothies, chopped salad or reheating the leftovers in the work place. Moreover, to reduce the risk of regular illness, the office catering should also be properly selected and reviewed to ensure healthy options. Impact on workplace productivity: An employee suffering from mental and physical health problems have more probability of absenteeism and when present at work their productivity level is very low. The employees are slow in committing to their works and it is more likely that the employees would pursue compensation claims (Ganster and Rosen 2013). The indirect costs are also affected in a negative manner, with managers spending maximum time in dealing with the employees complex health related issues besides the replacement costs of potential staffs. Employees when feel unsupported or treated unfairly then they tend to create negative feelings for their working environment (Cooper and Marshall 2013). The unstable employees tend to act uncooperatively with his colleagues and the employer. Consultants Helped in the Research: The consultants helping in the research work were the Operations Manager of the organisation by providing the details of the employees absenteeism due to health issues and the Payroll officer was helpful in providing the annual report, which stated the injury incidences caused in the workplace was more likely similar to the previous year (Zander et al. 2015). The most common injury was strain and back injury. Importance of Productivity in the workplace: Any successful business key element is the productivity level of the employees in the workplace. Almost all the successful organisation has healthy and happy employees, which leads to the rise in productivity at workplace (Boxall and Macky 2014). Generally, there is a consensus that productivity and performance of the employees facing poor health has been diminished Productivity in the organisation leads to the good customer interaction and services through which customers are satisfied and their loyalty can be gained. When a worker is highly productive it helps in achieving the business goals. Productivity helps in boosting moral motivating the workplace culture and a better working environment (Neuhaus et al. 2014). Productivity in the workplace is very vital for future growth. Employees should be kept motivated by providing them with bonuses, pay raises and medical insurance. Conclusion: Thus from the report, it can be concluded that employees health and wellbeing is crucial for the organisational growth as it directly affects the workplace productivity. They are two sides of a same coin as if employee health is affected the productivity of the business is impacted. A workplace having lower standard of organisational culture often results in degrading the health and well-beings of the workers. Poor employees health could translate into absence of employees engagement and loss in productivity, with various indirect and direct costs getting affected due to the complex health related issues. The productivity can be boosted through the approaches like providing self-care of the employees. Employees queries and pleas should always been heard and a constructive feedback should be offered. Moreover, a clear parameter of success should be established and the employees should be offered a meaningful and challenging work. References: Boxall, P. and Macky, K., 2014. High-involvement work processes, work intensification and employee well-being.Work, Employment and Society,28(6), pp.963-984. Cartwright, S. and Cooper, C.L., 2014. Towards organizational health: Stress, positive organizational behavior, and employee well-being. 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